Reflections Dance Ministry

Concerning the Dance Ministry

Reflections Creative Arts Worship Ministry is an reflections-dance assembly of faithful CJC members that minister before the Lord in the area of creative arts with an emphasis on all disciplines of dance movement, pageantry instruments, choreodrama and theater.

The main focus of this ministry is to minister out of a pure heart submitting our gifts, talents and abilities to serve and advance the kingdom of God. We endeavor to provide a visual representation/expression of the Word of God while instigating an atmosphere that draws His presence and prepares the hearts of the people to receive.

Serve in the Dance Ministry

Requirements to Serve

All creative artists must complete the audition process, be members of Christian Joy Center, demonstrate faithfulness in attendance and tithing. Teen and youth members without employment are granted an exception for the tithing criteria

All applicants and parents (youth/teen ministry) are required to complete a covenant agreement committing to:

  • A Christ centered life as a requirement for ministry.
  • Meeting the financial obligations with respect to garments and instruments.
  • Be on time, be prepared, nurture a spirit of excellence and unity within the ministry.
  • Covenant before God and man to support/undergird the vision of the ministry until such a time as God releases me or I am disqualified by not meeting the aforementioned requirements.

Activities & Functions

Each person makes a commitment to be available for opportunities to perform in Sunday and Wednesday worship services, Creative Arts Events and special church services.

Reflections Dance:

 Minister in choreographed dance before the body of Christ.

Majestic Warriors:

Minister during praise and worship as well as choreographed selections primarily with instruments.

Generation Rising:

Minister as a teen group (13 – 17) as well as with the adult team.

 Chosen Generation:

Minister as a youth group (7 – 12) as well as with the teen team.

Length of Commitment

Members must make a six-month commitment to serve. If you possess a heart of worship, a mind to serve and creative art ability (dance, pageantry, theater, poetry, painting, garments, props) come and be a part of the CJC Reflections Creative Arts Worship Ministry.

Serve in the Dance Ministry – Submission Forms