Here at Joy Center because we have such varied backgrounds represented we feel it is important to make the meaning of the dedication service clear. It is not a baptism. We believe that when a child is old enough to make his own profession of faith, that baptism follows faith and is the symbol of the believer's identification to be confused with christening services adhered to by some groups where the child is mystically made a Christian. The Dedication Service is instead an act of commitment on the part of the parents to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
Please read Parent's Pledge and Complete Registration Form below:
By filling out this form you agree that it is your intention to present this child to the Lord and to pledge yourselves to “bring her/him up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord,"
- I do here this day recognize this child as a gift of God, and give heartfelt thanks for His blessing.
- I do here this day pledge as a parent to bring up this child “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.”
- I do here this day ask God's blessings upon his/her life, to guide, guard, and direct him/her through all his/her years.
- I do here this day promise to give this child every possible benefit of home, of school and of the church.
I understand this ceremony is meaningless unless I dedicate myself as well as my child to God.